Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ROCK, STEM Education & Development Tools
Prix (Le prix affiché est H.T.) | Description | Détails du produit |
ADAFRUIT Feather M0 Adalogger MCU Development Board 2796
ADAFRUIT INDUSTRIES Maxbotix Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module for LV-EZ4
ADAFRUIT Feather M0 Bluefruit LE MCU Development Board 2995
Adafruit FeatherWing Latching Relay for Adafruit Feather
Adafruit 684, mini color OLED 0.96in OLED Display Breakout Board With microSD holder
ADAFRUIT INDUSTRIES Maxbotix Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module for LV-EZ1
ADAFRUIT TRINKET 3.3V MCU Development Board 1500
ADAFRUIT INDUSTRIES Maxbotix Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module for LV-EZ0
ADAFRUIT Feather M0 WiFi Development Board 3010
ADAFRUIT Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE MCU Development Board 2829
ADAFRUIT INDUSTRIES 2342 Mini Sound FX Application Board Interface Board
ADAFRUIT Feather 32u4 Basic Proto MCU Development Board 2771
ADAFRUIT PRO TRINKET 5V MCU Development Board 2000
ADAFRUIT INDUSTRIES, 1.8in Arduino Compatible Display with Colour LCD Display
ADAFRUIT INDUSTRIES Maxbotix Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module for LV-EZ3
ADAFRUIT INDUSTRIES Light Sensor Module Barcode Reader/ Scanner
ADAFRUIT INDUSTRIES Polycarbonate Case for use with Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi B+ in Clear, Grey
ADAFRUIT TRINKET 5V MCU Development Board 1501
Adafruit 3028, FeatherWing Precision Real Time Clock (RTC) Add On Board for Feather Development Board
Adafruit 2870, NeoPixel NeoMatrix 64 RGBW Warm White LED Matrix Module
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