Push Button Labels, Push Button Legend Plates | RS
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    Push Button Labels & Legends

    Push button labels and push button legends are available from RS in a variety of sizes and colours from leading manufacturers such as ABB, Schneider, Siemens and our very own RS Pro brand. In control panel systems where there are many push buttons, legends and labels can help to avoid confusion. Push button legends are removeable and can include symbols which indicate start and stop or emergency stop, they can also be engraved or come with labels which can be stuck onto the legends depending on the users’ requirements.

    1202 Produits présentés pour Push Button Labels & Legends

    Button Plate
    M22-DG-X, M22(S)-D-X, M22(S)-DR-X, M30C-FD-X, M30C-FDR-X
    2,09 €
    L'unité (en paquet de 10)
    Labeling plate
    Extended product life, Low carbon manufacture
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