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    Valves & Taps

    To control and isolate fluid flows, we supply a broad selection of valves and taps. Choose from butterfly valves, check valves, motorised valves, globe and ball valves, process solenoid valves and steam traps. Popular brands include the top worldwide, such as Nabic, SMC, Parker, Danfoss and Crouzet.

    What are valves and taps?

    A valve is an essential mechanical device used in plumbing and automation, which, similarly to switches, is responsible for modulating the flux of fluid passing through a pipe or a liquid container (such as a water bottle). The word tap most commonly refers to valves and fittings used in water control supplied by sinks and bathtubs, whether they are installed indoor or outdoor.

    What kind of valves and taps are there?

    The kind of valves available on the market can be distinguished according to their shape. The main types are:

    • Butterfly Valves: they are made of a disk which allows the fluid to flow freely in the pipe or to block it by swivelling sideways or upright respectively.
    • Ball Valves: their spherical shape makes it possible for them to block the fluid flow completely. By turning the handle, the valve moves by 90 degrees releasing the fluid flow.
    • Globe Valves: these are the main valves found in water taps, which modulate the amount of fluid that can flow into the pipe by screwing upwards as the handle is turned.
    • Needle Valves: the most common in automation due to the precision permitted by their slim design. Like the name suggest, the regulation is carried on via a long needle which slides into the pipe vertically.
    • Stop Cocks: also known as plug valve, in this case it blocks the fluid from flowing by moving aside when the handle is turned.

    In addition to these, we offer a wide range of accessories to guarantee the best use of valves and taps: just to name some, we supply chemical tank accessories, solenoid coils and controllers, solenoid valve adapters and mounts, as well as water tap accessories.

    Where can I find valves and taps?

    Being their action valves and taps have several possible applications, but you will most likely find them in:

    • sinks
    • bathtubs
    • toilets
    • washing machines
    • car engines and carburettors

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