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    Canakit Micro USB to Female Micro USB with Power Switch in Black

    Prix la pièce

    3,04 €

    (TVA exclue)

    3,68 €

    (TVA incluse)

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    Article en cours d'approvisionnement. Merci de bien vouloir nous contacter.*

    * Les dates de livraison peuvent varier selon la quantité choisie et l'adresse de livraison.

    Prix par unité
    1 +3,04 €
    N° de stock RS:
    Référence fabricant:
    The CanaKit PiSwitch provides a premium quality and reliable power switch to the Raspberry Pi 3 B/B and Pi Zero. It is made of high quality elements to minimize electrical resistance. A low quality switch can create high electrical resistance and reduced voltage, and so the switch conductivity and material is essential when used with the Raspberry Pi. This is not compatible with Pi 4.

    Sleek high-gloss finish
    Built-in LED indicator
    High quality components resulting in minimal electrical resistance