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    Raise3D Hotend for use with Pro2 ; Pro2 Plus, Raise3D 0.4mm

    Prix la pièce

    97,21 €

    (TVA exclue)

    117,62 €

    (TVA incluse)

    sélectionner ou taper la quantité
    9 En stock, livraison sous 1 jour(s) (stock Europe)*
    28 En stock, livraison sous 3 à 5 jours (stock Europe)

    * Les dates de livraison peuvent varier selon la quantité choisie et l'adresse de livraison.

    Prix par unité
    1 +97,21 €
    N° de stock RS:
    Référence fabricant:
    The RAISE3D's V3 hot end assembly (Pro2 series only) is only applicable to RAISE3D Pro2 series (Pro2 and Pro2 Plus) printers. RAISE3D V3 hot end assembly (Pro2 series only) includes a brass nozzle, aluminium heating block, throat tube, heat sink and silicone protective cover. It is suitable for V3 brass nozzle 0.4mm and V3 hardened nozzle.

    Highest temperature is 300°C
    Nozzle can be replaced
    Can be inserted directly into the extruder
    Anti-leakage and anti-clogging design
    Compatible filament size is 1.75 mm
    Heat resistant with maximum working temperature of 300°C